Delphinium Service Credentials

Delphinium uses a combination of a scoped token  and a restricted administrator role to limit access and protect your Canvas data. In this tutorial, we will configure the Delphinium Service administrator role. The Delphinium Service role has very limited permissions and only gives Delphinium access to Canvas data that it needs to function properly.  The Delphinium Service role is further restricted by the scope of the token it uses. This tutorial assumes you have already installed Delphinium.

Step 1: Create a Delphinium Service User

Step 2: Create a Delphinium Service Admin Role

Step 3: Give Limited Permissions to the Delphinium Service Admin Role

In this step we create a Canvas role with NO permissions and add a small number of permissions that allow Delphinium to see account level data like grading schemes and groups.

For each of the following terms...

...follow these steps:


Delete the text from the Search permissions box

7. Click the column header for Delphinium Service  to confirm that the Delphinium Service no more or less permissions than is described above

Step 4: Assign the Delphinium Service User to the Delphinium Service Admin Role

Step 5: Authorize the Delphinium Service User