Box Content Map

The Box Content Map is a quick and easy visual layout that displays the entire course content at a glance. It is user-friendly and visually appealing. This makes it easier for students to understand their progress, celebrate success, and make goals because it clearly shows them where they are, where they are going, and where they have been.

The Box Content Map works best with courses that organize content in a linear path with or without due dates. It can also work in less structured courses with point milestones instead of due dates.

Module Title

"Box Content Map boxes" includes the "module title". This information is often used to help students understand the topics covered in a module or the structure of the course (e.g., Unit 2, Week 4). Module titles should be kept short to be most useful—3 to 7 words.

Note: A watermark image may also be added behind the module title to make it more visually appealing or to indicate something about the module content.

Color and Icon

The "Box Content Map" uses color and icons to show students the status and completion of a module and its module items.

  • Gray / locked icon - Module is locked and module items are unavailable

  • White / unlocked icon - Module is open and module items are available and no progress has been made

  • Blue / stop-watch icon - Student has begun to view or submit module items. The darker the shade of blue, the more module items have been completed by the student

  • Green / checked-box icon - All required module items in the module are complete.

Progress Bar

Below the "module title" and to the left is the progress bar. This bar indicates the percent of points a student has earned out of the points possible in a module. This bar is also color coded:

  • Red - less than 60% of points have been earned

  • Yellow - between 60% and 80% of points have been earned

  • Green - more than 80% of points have been earned

Hover and Click Boxes to View Content Items

Each content box contains assignments, links, headers, pages and other content items. You can hover and click boxes to view these content items.

  • Hover - Hover your mouse over a box (or tap in mobile) to 'peek' at the content items. A "content item popup" will appear and show you stats and links to content items.

  • Click - Hover your mouse over a box (or long press in mobile) to give the "content item popup" focus. A "blue overlay" will appear and you will be able to click on "content items".

Content Item Popup

The "Content Item Popup" includes content completion icons, described above, and a progress bar, described above.

It also contains a "tile" for each "content item". Tiles display an icon for each item type, a title, and completion requirements and a check box to show completion status (a green checkmark indicates complete). Assignments also include completion data scores, and due dates.

Note: For more details, see Module Item Modal .


Some courses with a large number of modules may use "tabs" to help organize them.

Click a Tab above the "content boxes" to view a different set of "content boxes".