Delphinium Settings Copy

Note: Copying Delphinium layouts and settings from another course is usually done when you first enable Delphinium in a course. However, if for some reason you want to copy the settings from a different course AFTER you enable the course and select a layout, you can do so on the Delphinium Settings Copy tab in Tools. Doing so will delete all the settings and the layout currently in the course and replace them with the settings from the other course.

Open the Delphinium Settings Copy Tab in Tools

Note: If you are creating a new course and have selected the option to copy a layout from a different course, you can skip this step because the tab will be opened automatically for you.

Click the Menu icon in the top right corner of the Delphinium page. The Delphinium Tools window will open.

Click the Delphinium Settings Copy tab icon.

The "Select Course to Copy Data From:" drop down select box will populate with the names of Canvas courses that use Delphinium that are available to the logged-in teacher.

Select a Course to Copy From

Click the Select Course to Copy Data From drop down select box and select a course to copy from

Note: You should not copy layouts from different courses unless you are sure they have a very similar course design. Otherwise, you might end up adding components to a Delphinium layout that are incompatible with the course. In most cases we recommend that you use the Layout Coach to select a template or customize the Layout Editor for a course. This way you can be more sure that the components you select are a good fit.

Note: You must be the teacher of the course from which you are copying Delphinium settings. Other courses will not show up in the drop down list.

Start Settings Copy

Click Start Settings Copy

Delphinium will now compare the Canvas module data from the source course and the new course.

Manually Match Modules

Note: When you copy Delphinium settings from one course to another, it will Delphinium will attempt to include a copy of the Delphinium module meta-data from one course to another. This includes module images, content tags, module parent-child relationships, and module due dates. In this case, the old and the new course are not the same and so you will not be able to copy module meta-data. If the modules between the two courses do match, then you can confirm the match here.

You can skip the Manually Match Modules step because there is no module meta-data to copy. You can leave the New Course Modules list items paired with a "Module Missing" label in the Old Course Modules list. This will have no effect on the Delphinium settings copy because the new modules, in the new course, will have no module meta-data to copy over from the old course.

Click Copy Settings to continue.

Wait for Page to Reload

When the Delphinium settings are done copying from the old course to the new course, you will see a "Success" message and the page will reload. Your Delphinium course is now ready to use.

Note: Copying the layout and component settings from another course will permanently delete the previous layout and component settings in a course.

How Delphinium Start and End Dates are Copied

When a Delphinium layout is created or copied from another course, Delphinium will use the following rubric for setting the Delphinium Course start and end date

  1. If the current course has start and end dates in Canvas settings, use those dates

  2. Else, if the copy source course has start and end dates in Delphinium settings, use those dates

  3. Else, if the copy source course has start and end dates in Canvas settings, use those dates

  4. Else, make the start date today and end date in 120 days (this should get you close to the right dates and you can refine them manually)

The course teacher or designer can update these dates manually at any time.