Current Grade

The "Current Grade" component displays information about the student's grade. The data displayed there is a summary of data available in Gradebook tab. It helps students keep their grade top of mind. It also displays an estimated potential grade for the class.


The "Current Grade" component displays different data depending on whether the Delphinium layout is configured to use 0-based or % based grading

0-Based Grading Version

Points earned out of max points: This value is the number of points earned by completing course assignments. The "max points" value described in the label is the highest number used in the grading scale.

Current Grade: This value is the student's current grade in the course.

Note: Mouse over the blue "i" icon next to the "Current Grade" label to view the grading scale.

Note: In 0-based grading, this grade starts at the bottom of the grading scale and moves upwards as students earn more points. In %-based grading this value is identical to the grade in the Canvas gradebook (learn more).

Estimated Potential Grade: This is an estimate of your final grade if you earn ALL of the remaining points. This is NOT a guarantee of your final grade, it might not be 100% accurate. For example, this value does not include the impacts of redoing an assignment, or new assignments added by your teacher. However, you can use this value to help you make some plans and goals for your progress in the class.

Bonus/Penalty Balance (Optional): If there are any bonuses or penalties generated by Delphinium components in the course, their sum are displayed here.

Total Points (Optional): If there are any bonuses or penalties generated by Delphinium components, this value is their sum combined with the points earned from assignments.