How to Enable Delphinium in a Course

When the Delphinium add-on is added to Canvas, Delphinium is preinstalled, yet disabled, in all Canvas courses. This tutorial describes how to enable Delphinium in a specific Canvas course.

Open Course Settings

In the Canvas Course navigation, select the Settings link.

Open the Navigation Tab

On the course Settings page, click the Navigation tab link.

Locate the Delphinium Navigation Item

Locate the Delphinium navigation item in the disabled page list at the bottom of the page.

Drag the Delphinium Navigation Item Up to the Enabled List

Drag the Delphinium navigation item up to the enabled navigation items list to the position you want it to appear in the course left-hand navigation menu. We recommend moving it right below the Home link.

Save the Navigation Settings

Save your changes to the navigation settings. 

The page will reload and a link to Delphinium will appear in the course left-hand navigation.

Click Delphinium in the Left-hand Navigation

Click Delphinium in the course left-hand navigation. The page will reload and request that the user authorize Delphinium.

Authorize Delphinium

Click Authorize to authorize Delphinium in the course. The page will reload and offer you options for adding a Delphinium layout in the course.