
Supporting is an educational influence method that focuses on mentoring and helping students develop their learning identity and participate in a learning community; it also helps students adapt to and modulate their personality traits, emotions and moods, and socio-economic influences. Supporting includes the following:

Learning Identity

  • Self-efficacy - Help students understand that their efforts can lead to success

  • Fixed vs. growth mind set - Help students understand that through effort they can constantly improve; explicitly train students how to adopt a growth vs. fixed mindset

  • Grit - Help students understand that they can persevere through difficult challenges

  • Help students reinterpret negative past experiences as opportunities for growth

  • Provide social credibility and recognition for academic achievements that might otherwise be invisible or denigrated by peers

  • Encourage students to think of themselves differently as learners by publicly taking on the role or identity of scholars and learners in the context of their peers

  • Allow students to try on new identities and roles

Emotion and Moods

  • Provide for positive emotional experiences (e.g., curiosity, joy, optimism, pride)

  • Help students persist through negative emotional experiences (e.g., frustration, failure, anxiety, fear, helplessness, overwhelmed)

Socio-economic Influences

  • Recognize and make efforts to accommodate cultural and societal influences that may influence a student's performance

Loyalty and Citizenship

  • Create a learning community in your class

Personality Type